Sunday, September 5, 2010

A Whole Box of Positive

I just couldn't line or two lines? I sat there on the edge of the bathtub holding the pregnancy test thinking rather blindly that I thought it was two lines for positive, but that just couldn't be right, because there were two lines on that little sucker and well, I couldn't be pregnant.

I had woke up feeling very odd that morning, and on a hunch had rummaged through my bathroom drawer for that old test I had had from a previous scare years ago. I had long since thrown away the box, and had no idiot proof reference in the instruction book ,that actually gives you a little picture of what it's supposed to look like if it's positive.

I googled the question "what does a positive cvs pregnancy test look like" and wouldn't you know it. Dozens of other women had the same question. And wouldn't you know it, they said it was two lines. And wouldn't you know it, I didn't believe it. I woke Dustan up and told him we needed to go to Rite aid THIS MINUTE and get some pregnancy tests...he was a little to stunned to argue and off we marched. We got a box, and I mean a box of pregnancy test and brought them home.

In a daze I went through the entire box and blinked unbelievably as one after another came up positive, within moments. I'm not a swearing person, I'm a pastor and I was raised with a clean mouth policy...but there is something about finding out you are pregnant that kind of makes you want to swear. I certainly thought it, if I didn't say it...."$&%*"what have we gotten ourselves into. Visions of sleepless nights, screaming children in checkout lines, snotty noses, and dirty diapers whirled through my head. Loss of freedom and flexibility seemed to creep in from the dark corners of my mind as we looked at that bathroom the lineup of our future. A whole box of positive. Yep, a whole box. Not one, not And then Dustan took pictures, and gave me a huge, and told me I was going to be a great mommy. And I cried, because I was so darned sacred. Dustan was all smiles and laughter...and I didn't talk for three days.

Six weeks later we found ourselves in a small maroon and teal office waiting for the Doctor to give us the first glimpse of our baby. He did his job with ease and professionalism right up to the point where he paused and said, "huh". We froze..."look at that, there are two." I wish I had a picture of Dustan's face...the color drained, the eyes dilated...I argued with the Doctor, "no, you don't understand, that is not possible. There are no twins in my family, this was not planned, I'm not an older mother...there can't be twins." He very factually replied that one out of every eighty couples have twins without fertility drugs...ONE OUT OF EIGHTY! Why have I never heard that statistic?!? And then we heard two little heart beats, and visions of forty little fingers and toes flashed through my head, of two little blue eyed blonds, and I laid my head back on that table and laughed and shook my head, and laughed some more....and Dustan didn't talk for three days.